Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Perfect Exercise for Year of the Rabbit: Yoga!

with permission, by Hudson Comet, Western Astrology
The Perfect Exercise for Year of the Rabbit: Yoga!
If you're already committed to a yoga practice, keep up the good work! If not, this is the perfect time to jump in. From a cosmic perspective, the flowing energy, flexibility and connection to the body's wisdom make yoga ideal in the Year of the Rabbit. Being in the flow is exactly what your body needs in a year ruled by diplomacy, kindness and intuition.

By connecting to the breath and staying aware of your body, yoga cultivates presence of mind, increased concentration and serenity. To demonstrate the best of Rabbit's qualities, work towards mastering your body and mind. You’re more likely to attract the luck and gentle blessings of Rabbit if you create the space within yourself to welcome such abundance.

Starting a yoga practice can be intimidating. Try out different forms of yoga at different studios in your area. The magical combination is simply what feels right to you. It may take a few classes (you'd be really lucky to find the perfect fit right out the gate) but your research will serve you -- and your body and mind – well!

Trusting the wisdom of a Rabbit year, go easy on yourself. Discover enjoyable opportunities to nurture your body through yoga. You may have to be willing to put yourself in unfamiliar situations but -- as many great yoga teachers will remind you -- perfection is not the point. Listen to the wisdom of your body and you’ll tune into a place beyond judgment and full of compassion for yourself and others. And it’s not bad for your abs, either!

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